The setup

Before you leave the office...

Send a note to your clients and your team with information about your location and how long you will be working remotely.

Update your calendar and any other internal messaging apps you use with your location.

If you have a company issued mobile phone or use your own mobile for work, ensure your contact number is displayed on your email signature as well as on any internal messaging apps you use.

Ensure you take home any vital printed documents.

At home check, you have the right environment to work for longer periods of time such as a desk height surface, comfortable chair, monitor screen, keyboard, and mouse.

Check with your IT and HR teams if there are any specific policies regarding working remotely.

If you have a company mobile phone or use your own mobile for work, ensure you have your charger with you.

If you have a landline only make sure you record a voicemail message informing people of your location and request to be contacted via email and if possible provide an alternative number.

Tools and useful resources 
